I am not extremely familiar with the 4k screens. So a question to everyone. Is it a possibility for one of the new 4k screens to have a dead pixel? I just noticed this........
Click to enlarge.
I'm not an expert, but panels are panels. And with all the pixles, its sadly fact that one or a few might not work. 4K really only increases those odds.
Granted with 4K, each pixel is so much smaller in terms of the greater amount on the screen, and would be less noticeable than on say a 1080/720 p screen.
I'd still call dell and see I they would cover this under warranty. I read somewhere that 1080p needs like 5 bad pixels or so, but 4k only needs 1 bad pixel. Don't quote me on that, but definitely call. Worst they'll say is no. -
Yea, I have seen my share of dead pixels on displays. However, this doesn't look like one. I am wondering if it isn't just a piece of dust behind the glass. Not sure.
Looks like a dust or smudge to me. A dead pixel should be very defined unless that happens to be a cluster of dead pixels which is even more rare.
Pretty sure it is dust between the panel layers.
If you took a look into it, you can see green-red-blue color= the basic color. It means this zone from driver is not answering well. Time can resolve it but mainly not . But a dust is grey-transparent, it is not colored like this. A dead pixel is black at each color.
i have the same in my 4k panel, i also have 2 half dead pixels and 1 dust. i tried a night of youtube fix dead pixels but no luck for me. -
You can see it better with a magnifying glass or camera.
But for myself it is definitely not a dust: here a zoom of ur screen
DARCODER.......you have me thinking HARD. LOL.
That, upon further examination, looks like a group of pixels. It is driving me CRAZY. I am going to call Best Buy tomorrow and see if they have another in stock. At any rate, I am not going to keep one with dead, dying, whatever, pixels. Dang it.....tonyr6 likes this. -
@jpowell490 before you return it, try a) _lightly_ pressing on the bad pixel area with your finger to massage it out in hopes of getting it unstuck; or b) try running software that rapidly flashes different colors which also might get it unstuck.
See http://superuser.com/questions/38231/what-is-the-best-way-to-fix-a-stuck-pixel-on-a-lcd-screen -
Yea, Tried that, no luck. Took that one back, exchanged, they gave me another and opened it and it was used and scratched all up.....I am done with Best Buy. Shopping for one online now.
4k UHD Dead Pixel?
Discussion in '2015+ Alienware 13 / 15 / 17' started by jpowell490, Feb 21, 2016.