So it was working perfectly the day before yesterday. Then yesterday it wouldn't power on, there are no lights when the charger is connected. I've tried removing the battery connector and holding down the power for a while, but still no response when the battery is connected again. Also tried to power it on with the battery disconnected and only the power cable connected with two different chargers. Nothing still.
It's looking as if the motherboard is dead. Has anyone experienced this too?
Also does anyone know where to find a replacement motherboard? Going to contact Dell about it, but it's out of warranty so I doubt they'll do much.
Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk
psu light is on ?
u have a multimeter to make some test point ? -
And nope, I don't have a meter unfortunately
Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk -
without a multimeter is hard...
Never mind, power input was rekt, replaced the internal d.c cable and it seems to be working.
Sent from my Pixel XL using TapatalkVICKYGAMEBOY and Vasudev like this. -
if the power light turns off in ur adapter cable the blue ring, then there must be some issue with motherboard.. it reverse current.. yeah hope ur dc cable fixed the issue.. and dont use express charge.. use the latest bios.. disable xpress charge.. it should be off by default.
Vasudev likes this. -
Ok new problem, the laptop now won't start. The power button lights up when the power cable and battery are both connected, and pulses as if the laptop is asleep.
If the power cable is removed, the light turns off and won't come back on. If the battery is removed, the button doesn't turn on in the first place.
It only lights up when the battery and power cable are connected, but turns off immediately when pressed, and I have to reconnect the power cable to make the light come on again. The system won't boot at any stage.
Edit: Never mind, power button cable was brokenLast edited: Mar 19, 2018
17R2 dead?
Discussion in '2015+ Alienware 13 / 15 / 17' started by Onetwo345, Mar 5, 2018.