The problem is that Windows 10 does not manage text scaling perfectly.
On most windows and dialog boxes the text is sharp and crisp. But on some dialog boxes such as Device Manager, the text is very blurred and fuzzy.
Here's an example:
See the difference in quality of text in chrome and device manager? It's bothering me a lot. Since there are a lot of you with 4K screens here, please tell me how you are solving this problem?
Reduce DPI to 100%. Windows defaults to 150 for high pixel density displays which causes blurring
My scaling is at 250%, and if I put it to 100% I won't be able to use the laptop, everything will be really tiny.
I couldn't find a way to get rid of this scaling problem, but it seems only to occur in a handful of occasions, with device manager being the only one I can recall.. -
It's just something you have to live with. It's a windows issue and the same thing happens in Win 8.1 on my 1080p screen and on my Win 10 HTPC hooked up to my 1080p TV.
Device manager and some older applications that don't correctly scale are just zoomed in by windows and become a blurry mess, nothing wrong with your screen! -
200% scaling is best I think, should in theory best at 4:1 pixels
I was used to larger text also, due to ancient eyeballs. I started with 250% and hated it as much as the OP. 200% is much better (and smaller), so I MOVED THE LAPTOP CLOSER. Try it!
FWIW, Firefox has a zoom function that works well and will set a new default zoom on a site-specific basis. That takes 90% of the struggle out of looking for little words. Fiddling with ClearType will help slightly, also.
I also think there's more to this blurriness. I notice that under very heavy proc loads dialog boxes will flash in and out of sharpness, as if that miserable Intel 530 was struggling to keep up. I don't think this blurriness issue can be solved until the BIOS allows us to use the nVidia GPU for the laptop display also., and completely lock out the Intel graphics -
15 R2 UHD - Blurry text issue
Discussion in '2015+ Alienware 13 / 15 / 17' started by Mr.Claw, Nov 25, 2015.