Most likely a heatsink with uneven contact with die. Liquid metal will never work as expected if the heatsink isn't in good condition and with good fit on die.
Did i put too little of it? Or do you think i can blame everythig on a lose screw? Also, any tips to remove liquid metal from copper? It got stuck really hard on heatsink surface, i cleaned silicone already.
Sry for typos, i'm really bad at typing on smartphone. -
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saniainen likes this.
Phuk, found the reason, crappy plastic washer broke and fell off
other four are also really fragile, this **** really blindsided me. Why would they put such crap in 1200€ laptop?
Everything works fine now, thanks for tips and moral support!
Papusan likes this. -
Usually they are durable, or so I think, I only opened like five different laptops, this was only one with this problem. I replaced them with metal washers. -
With your laptop's heatsink being that small I wouldn't doubt that you'll still get overheat on some situation though. -
Okay I am back.
I repasted with Conductonaut, changed pads, installed 3 more fans on the U3, had issues with laptop not even booting, GPU problems, fixed it all, and dear god am I making a thread about this.
@iunlock I will try to keep the same thread construction as yours has, but dear lord did I do a lot of things wrong. Won't be surprised if my GPU decided to join the afterlife at a random point sometime in the future.
Will try to make it today, literally spent 2 hours on the laptop yesterday, and another 2 today. -
I go 10-12 hours straight with a unit. It just depends how messed up it is.
Sent from my SM-G935F using TapatalkLast edited: Jan 25, 2017 -
Well with the combined time, I spent 8 hours - tops.
Otherwise I am fast about these things, maybe I should be more careful tho.. -
And as promised, (poor iunlock here I am spamming his threads) I made the thread about my repaste
iunlock likes this. -
More content and resources is always good. -
Hey Iunlock, just seeing if you offered repasting for people for a fee?
Sexual favors if your a women! lol. Joke. Yes a small fee is required. -
Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk -
Finally, people are catching up!
Hey guys! Just wanted to revive this thread.
I'll have a new XPS 15 here in a few weeks. Wondering if anyone has taken steps to protect the liquid metal from dripping out of the CPU/GPU area from pumpout? I know the exact amount to use from previous desktop experiences with CLU....however, I wanted to see if anyone took additional steps above and beyond the normal protection of components on the substraits... -
Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk -
According to most people that have used both Grizzly and CLLP/CLU, the later two are thicker and the chances of pumpout if you haven't secured the heatsink fully are lower. Still doesn't hurt to fully tighten the heatsink down and use some electric tape on the die
Unfortunately the best i can get without importing is CLLP or Kryonaut for regular paste. And given how bad the currency situatuon in my country is, buying from amazon doesnt sound like a good idea now
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My question is: is it safe to use liquid metal on a laptop that will sometimes be transported/shipped in Winter?
So the laptop might go down to 0-5 C. I have read that LM is for 10C+ operation only. But what about storage?
Could it become solid and splitter off the CPU potentially causing short circuits on the laptop mainboard later? -
edit: a friend use to travel with his msi and i repasted his laptop with conductonaut too, everything run very well until he let his bag fall, and the laptop receive a big hit on a corner. when we disassembly the laptop, i could see little pieces of metal like 1/16 part of a dot on the motherboard. we have to clean the little dots and re-apply the thermal pasteLast edited: Feb 27, 2017 -
Hmm. That is not good. He got lucky it didn't fry the MOBO.Vasudev likes this. -
Even with a sudden drop the heatsink would need to be pretty dam lose to allow for this. Do we have any estimate of the viscosity of liquid metal? We could perhaps create a mathematical model to estimate the amount of force required to get it to leak out due to a fall with various mounting pressures.
Honestly I would love to see someone compress 2 pieces of metal maybe in a vice or something with liquid metal in between. The vice could compress the plates to various psi levels for testing. Then drop and shake ect the thing around and see if you can get anything to leek out. I think an experiment like this could put to rest a lot of fear that people have about liquid metal and provide a lot more actual data of how the materials behave under various stresses. Hell you could even take an old cpu and heatsink to make it more realistic.
Hopefully someone with some liquid metal lying around will like this idea and try it out and post some results. -
It probably came from sides, not between die and heatsink.
FYI. Grizzly Conductonaut is wetter in consistency than Liquid Ultra. Hence a bigger chance for leakage. Several have actually experienced leakage with use of Grizzly Conductonaut.
But now it looks like Coolaboratory has changed a bit on the composition of the Liquid Ultra or maybe a bad batch. Aka Liquid Ultra is more like Grizzly now. Not a good move as Liquid Ultra was a better choice. The difference in temp between those metal wasn't big. -
also you are right, Liquid ultra tend to stay more in place than conductonaut, but i feel like conductonaut have a better life span because it never become solid at allPapusan likes this. -
some people complaint about liquid ultra dry with time, i can't ensure that :S i have only tested conductonaut for long time
Papusan likes this. -
gOdFaThEr9 likes this.
You could put a sample in a glass and see how long before it loses its properties exposed to air at room temperature.
I remember years ago the first gen metal TP stuff was actually a solid thing that would heat up and fuse to your die or something crazy. What ever happened to those. -
I am going to be re-pasting my Sager 8672/Clevo P670SG (i7-4720HQ and GTX980M) with Conductonaut. Will post results soon after. Currently, my CPU temps are reaching 96degC under load. This is with IC Diamond (applied by xoticpc, 2.5 years ago during the initial purchase). Have you seen any degradation of Conductonaut on your build? Any idea what happens with Conductonaut, if it's sitting at low temperature (Below 10 degC). Read somewhere, that below 8 degC, Gallium solidifies and expands. I don't expect the laptop to be in freezing conditions, but it would be good to know.
Any other additional tips/recommendations (other than in this thread). Will be using 1mm Gellid Extreme thermal pads too (12 W/mK, $6 for 80x40mm sheet).
What do you think of using clear nail paint on exposed metal on the die's. Should be as effective as 3M Super 33+. To be safe, thinking of using the tape in conjunction with nail paint.
Thanks...!!!!Last edited: Mar 1, 2017Vasudev likes this. -
Does the conductonaut corode the copper heat sink?
Only aluminum heatsinks are a problem as far as i know.
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Info for all of those of you who complain that ICD scratching die, and that you should avoid this nice thermal paste. Die withstand more than you thinkView from 4.10
Last edited: Mar 5, 2017
[Liquid Metal Showdown] Thermal Grizzly Conductonaut vs Cool Laboratory Liquid Ultra / Pro
Discussion in '2015+ Alienware 13 / 15 / 17' started by iunlock, May 11, 2016.